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day5: draw schematics

For the drawing of the schematics, I used xcircuit for the first time.
It is a circuit drawing program for the X windowing system (duh). it's made at the john hopkins university. The program has an easy interface, just like most CAD programs. It uses 3 buttons, 1 to place, 2 for cancel and 3 for done.

The program saves and loads everything in postscript which suprised me. But it works fine.
Download the result here (switch1.pdf) :

Vdd can vary between 5 and 30 volts, but you should adjust the resistor,relais and the transistor too. I will probably use 12V as supply voltage, 1K Ohm resistor for the LED, a BC547B Transistor, and a 12V/250V relais

a screenshot:

(local mirror here

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day5: draw schematics